Winter brings plenty of difficulties for drivers, but stopping for a tune-up at your local auto body shop can help you prepare for those challenges. Here are some steps you can take, including auto body repair, to help prepare your vehicle for winter’s challenges.
Winter Car Tune-Ups: Preparing for Cold Weather Driving
Preparation Steps to Take
Check Your Brakes
Snow and ice make it more difficult for your vehicle to stop when you apply the brakes. To stay as safe as possible, you want your brakes to be in good condition to have maximum responsiveness on the road. Switch out the brakes or brake pads before winter arrives to ensure you’re ready.
Fix the Heater and Defroster
To have proper visibility in winter weather, you’ll need to confirm your defrost system is functioning optimally to thaw any ice that accumulates on the windshield. You’ll also want the vehicle’s heating system to be in good condition so that you can stay safe and comfortable. Getting these systems checked out will help you be confident you’re ready for winter.
Swap Out Your Tires
Bald tires struggle to get the level of traction needed to keep your vehicle under control. They can be especially dangerous in winter when icy conditions already reduce traction. Ensure that your tires have a decent tread and are in otherwise good condition before winter’s arrival. If you plan on driving in wintry conditions, consider switching to winter tires with chains or traction mats for added support.
Auto Body Repair
The last thing you want to do is take a damaged vehicle out on the road in the winter months. Body damage can put pressure on your vehicle’s tires, brakes, and other components, causing damage through the excess friction generated. Get your vehicle repaired at a certified collision repair shop before winter starts so that it’s in optimal shape to take on any challenges ahead.
Find an Auto Body Shop and Collision Repair Shop Near You
Whether you want to take steps to prepare your vehicle for winter weather or you need repairs after an accident, you’ve got a great option waiting right around the corner. Our experts will give your vehicle everything it needs to be ready for anything the elements can throw your way.
Need a tune-up for your vehicle ahead of the winter months? Stop in at Butler Collision Center, and we’ll take care of you!